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Yizkor, Tzedakah & Memorial Book

Yizkor Memorial Service is recited during the Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Passover and Shavuot services.

It is customary to give Tzedakah/Charity to elevate the souls of those who have passed.

It is customary to pledge 'Chai' for each individual.

See below to make your Yizkor Tzedakah donation.

All members of Congregation Beth Israel will have their loved one's Yahrzeit automatically added to the Yizkor Memorial Book as part of their membership benefits as long as those Yahrzeit's have been added to their Shulcloud account.

here to go into your account to review the Yahrzeit's you have
and make corrections if needed. 

Wed, October 9 2024 7 Tishrei 5785